Sunday, October 18, 2015

Solaris threatens over criticism of her guest! In fact, her guest is an example of one of the major problems in this field: the absence of fact checking! HAVE A READ! NOTHING LEFT OUT!

I commented that her guest had not done even basic fact checking when he asserted that the Catholic Church named the telescope (which I believe it rents) 'Satan' [which in itself can be thought of as offensive to Catholics]:

Solaris BlueRaven

6:45 PM (10 minutes ago)
to me

Message : The Vatican did NOT name the telescope it uses 'Lucifer.' C'mon. This is an obvious and easy fact check. It undermines everything the guest has said.



Get a life. I have heard many guests make this comment. Stop trolling my show.
Do NOT use my webs form for my website to spew your shit! 

I have no tolerance for people like you who have nothing better to do. Stop listening to my radio show. That will solve your issues! TROLL

My website is for clients. 


Solaris BlueRaven

6:49 PM (6 minutes ago)
to me
p.s. Don't google for fact checking buddy. You will be very disappointed! Do not contact me again.If you knew what I knew about covert technology you would have a nervous breakdown. Swim in the shallow end of the pool. 

Lou Sheehan

6:52 PM (2 minutes ago)
to Solaris
Solaris, I have sent very supportive messages to you in the past.  That guest was a bust.  If that offends you so be it.  I would like to think you are above threats like you have ... shared.  Way over the line.  But I have held that guests assertions up s an example.

I can even share you threats with many people.  I can blog about them.  La de dah!

Solaris is to me:

Solaris BlueRaven

6:53 PM (6 minutes ago)
to me
You have no class. You have been warned! Do not contact me again! 

 LBT Near Infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research

Fr. Charles Grondin Fr. Charles Grondin 
Join Date: July 6, 2012

 Did the Vatican name a telescope lucifer?
The Vatican did not name a telescope Lucifer. The Vatican Observatory shares space (no pun intended) with other organizations and groups. The Vatican Observatory does not own each piece of equipment nor can it give official names or nicknames to things it does not own. Another group installed a telescope it nicknamed Lucifer.

Its a telescope built by the Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial physics and according to their website it stands for LBT Near Infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research. It is noted on the website that its official abbreviation has been changed to LUCI.

As the Vatican Observatory Official Website explains:
One of the stake holders in the MGIO is a group of European institutes who built an infrared camera and spectroscope, and named it "Lucifer". So what happened? First, somebody reported that an instrument called "Lucifer" was installed on Mt Graham. Then somebody remarked that Mt Graham also hosts the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope, and that it is somewhat amusing that Mt Graham has both Vatican and Lucifer. Then the information somehow degraded and the slur was born: Vatican astronomers are supposedly friends with Lucifer...
It was not built or named by the Vatican Observatory.

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