On a recent Dr. J Radio Live sow, Lee S. repeated the shibboleth that -- at least when it comes to
information about UFOs -- the American President doesn't have a "need to know" and thus information
can be (and is) withheld from the President.

What President would sign such an authorization into law?  Can anyone imagine Congress
passing such a law and the President signing it (or Congress overriding a related veto)?  At least to me
that sounds ridiculous.  I think to literally anyone who thinks about it that it sounds absurd.

At first Lee said it was MY responsibility to find a source/authority for his assertion (!!!!!).
Eventually Lee e-mailed the below (I edited out the non-relevant portions in the first display,
but then put the entire e-mail -- hence there is repetition -- in the second e-mail).
The below says absolutely nothing about a 'need to know' regime.
The below discusses the possibility of rouge employees (which, of course, is at least realistically

The quote Lee provides proves exactly that he is wrong and exactly that I am correct.  100%. 
Clinton complains ab out rogue employees, not about laws determining that he in
not a 'need to know.'

And yet, per Lee, it is my responsibility to prove he is correct!  Unbelievable.

My sense is Lee is a bright guy.  We all have egos and I realize it can be hurt to be shown we are
wrong about
something we have been saying for years.  But let's be honest, eh?  A professional
journalist should react more positively to being corrected.

Let me add that I've not before seen any such inaccuracies in any of Lee's professional work and I am
assuming this is an anomaly as it wasn't subjected to professional editorial review.

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Highlighting/bolding added by Lee:

Bill Clinton, during a 2005 audience Q&A in Hong Kong, where he's asked about UFOs, Roswell
and Area 51:

“I wouldn’t be the first president that underlings have lied to or 
that career bureaucrats have waited out. 
But there may be some career person, sitting around somewhere, 
hiding these dark secrets, even from elected presidents
but if so, they successfully eluded me, and I’m almost embarrassed to tell you 
I did try to find out.” 

Note from Lou Sheehan: President Clinton even expresses in dismay: " ... even from elected Presidents" i.e., 
employees doing things they shouldn't be doing.  This isn't a 'need to know' regime.  It is 
description of alleged rouge employees.

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Here is Lee's e-mail with his support in its entirety:

Bill Clinton, during a 2005 audience Q&A in Hong Kong, where he’s asked about UFOs,

Roswell and Area 51:

“I had so many people in my own administration were convinced that Roswell was a fraud, but this

place in Nevada was really serious [that] there was an alien artifact there. So, I actually sent someone there

to figure it out, and it was actually just a secret defense installation, alas, and doing boring work that we

just didn’t want anybody else to see.

“The Roswell thing, I think, really was an illusion -- I don’t think it happened. I think there are rational

explanations, and I did attempt to find out if there were any secret government documents that reveal

things, and if there were, they were concealed from me, too.  

“I wouldn’t be the first president that underlings have lied to or that career bureaucrats have

waited out. But there may be some career person, sitting around somewhere, hiding these dark

secrets, even from elected presidents, but if so, they successfully eluded me, and I’m almost

embarrassed to tell you I did try to find out.”